by Virginia
I. MATERIAL NEEDED; I spoke elsewhere of not going on forever but I won't be able to go on even half of forever without material to fill these pages. How about it some of you budding authoresses? Make with the pages. We still have some fictional pieces on hand, but con- tributors have always been rather fewer when it comes to Histories, True Experiences, and Articles, Cartoons and "all stuff like that there" as Fibber McGee would have said. There is quite a lot of lead time nec- essary to be able to edit, get it to the typographer, read and correct the galleys, and then cut and assemble the piece into the magazine, so I have to get my hands on things quite a time in advance. Of course little odd bits and pieces are always necessary poems, limericks, jokes, etc. It is always a pain to fill up the bottom 1⁄2 or of a page. So if you find some filler that would be enjoyed by others send it in. As I've often said, this is your magazine, if you don't provide the material there won't be one and if you don't like what others have provided then send in either a comment about it or an example of what you'd really like to read.
II. NEW READERS: Due to advertising, magazine articles, lecturers, appearances, etc. we have gotten a lot of new readers lately and many of them ask about meeting others. So it will be well to tell them in this space that we do have a group — a Sorority - Phi Pi Epsilon (FPE for short) that has chapters in a number of cities. The first requirement for joining this group is to have bought at least five issues from Chevalier
bookstore purchases don't count. This is not a device for selling mag- azines but rather a part of our screening process. Many people buy the magazine once and if they find nothing in it that appeals to their par-